Official Website Newletter Archives Pubblications Activities in a Nutshell (2012-2014) New Realism Official Website Sponsor LabOnt 2016 Compagnia di San Paolo Festival Mediterraneo della Laicità Alliance française de Turin Goethe Institut Tiziana Andina is the new Director of LabOnt LabOnt changes its organisational structure: Maurizio Ferraris - who founded and directed the research center since 1999 - assumes its presidency, while the direction goes to Tiziana Andina. Dr. Erica Onnis will be its new general manager. Il notiziario del LabOnt è redatto da Elena Casetta | M. Ferraris, Emergenza, Einaudi 2016, pp.127 In libreria dal 10 maggio Webpage | | | | Highlights Andrea Mattoni, We Will All Be Forgotten, spray paint on wall, 2016. – Courtesy: Andrea Ravo Mattoni 2016. International Summer School at the Centre for Conservation and Restoration "La Venaria Reale" September 12th – 18th 2016 One week to explore and discuss with professors and experts on a very topical issue: the Restoration and Conservation of Contemporary Art. The International Summer School will be open to all curators, restorers, researchers, gallerists, lawyers and professionals working in art istitutions that aim to enrich their professionalism and experience by lectures and round tables, analyzing case studies and taking part in workshop and role play. The professional and international approach of the School means to satisfy different kinds of requirements, from ontological to administrative points of view. The program will take place in a location of excellence: the Centre for Conservation and Restoration "La Venaria Reale" and the last day will be spent in Turin, to visit the most important contemporary art museums with distinguished guides. About Summer Apply Program Website This week Festival Vicino/Lontano - Premio Internazionale Tiziano Terzani Udine, 8 Maggio Palazzo Manin,ore 11.00 Leonardo Caffo terrà la conferenza a chiusura di "Caring Voices" mostra e convegno internazionale organizzato dalla Università degli Studi di Udine co Trieste Contemporanea e la Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia. LabOnt seminar: Gabriele Pasqui Torino, 10 maggio Circolo dei Lettori (Sala Gioco), via Bogino 9, ore 15-17 Gabriele Pasqui (Politecnico di Milano) "Osservare la città contemporanea: il punto di vista delle popolazioni urbane". Webpage [LabOnt informa] Diritti delle donne in Cina Torino, 10 maggio Campus Luigi Einaudi, aula magna, ore 14.00 A cura del corso di Diritto cinese (dott.ssa Simona Novaretti), il 10 maggio, alle ore 14:00, sarà proiettato nell'aula magna del CLE il documentario "Hooligan Sparrow", sulla protesta di una famosa attivista cinese per i diritti delle donne (Ye Hanyan - Sparrow), in difesa di un gruppo di ragazzine vittime di abusi. Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare. Natura e Realtà Conegliano Valdobbiadene, 12 maggio Sala dei Battuti, Duomo di Conegliano, ore 15.30 Conversazione con Davide Grossi, Luca Taddio e Andrea Tagliapietra "Che rapporto c'è tra ciò che continuiamo a chiamare "realtà" e quella che già i Greci chiamavano "natura"? E proprio intorno a questo ambiguo rapporto si confronteranno i protagonisti di questo primo dialogo. Un giovane filosofo teoretico, esperto di cultura classica, uno storico delle idee cresciuto con Emanuele Severino e un sostenitore del realismo contemporaneo." Webpage Il LabOnt al Salone del libro di Torino LO STATO DELL'ARTE AL SALONE DEL LIBRO DI TORINO Questa settimana Lo Stato dell'Arte andrà in onda solo giovedì 12 ed eccezionalmente venerdì 13, sempre alle 23.15, con due puntate realizzate dal Salone del Libro di Torino: Lo stato dell'arte dal Salone del Libro: Visioni 1 e Lo stato dell'arte dal Salone del Libro: Visioni 2. FACCIAMOGLI POSTO. Che cosa vuol dire veramente accoglienza 13 maggio, ore 12:00, Sala Azzurra A cura di Regione Lazio. Partecipano: Maurizio Ferraris, Lidia Ravera, Igiaba Scego, Guido Viale. L'accoglienza, quella vera, è un percorso innanzitutto interiore. Quella che si sta svolgendo da mesi (anni) sotto i nostri occhi non è una "emergenza" ma una rivoluzione epocale. Cosa possiamo fare? Da dove si comincia? Che cos'è l'accoglienza? E la Misericordia? SALVI! ANIMALI, RIFUGI E LIBERTÀ 13 maggio, ore 18:30, Sala Avorio a cura di SAFARA' EDITORE. Partecipano: Leonardo Caffo e Valentina Sonzogni. CRITICA DELLA TRASPARENZA. UN MODO PER RIFLETTERE SULLE RADICI DELLA MODERNITÀ 15 maggio, ore 12.00, Sala Avorio A cura di Rosenberg & Sellier. Presentazione del volume di Riccardo Donati. Partecipano: Maurizio Ferraris, Rino Genovese, Alfio Mastropaolo.  LO STATO DELL'ARTE - RAI5 Un programma condotto da Maurizio Ferraris Le puntate de "Lo stato dell'arte" sono online sul portale di Rai5. Le puoi rivedere qui." Lo stato dell'arte" è il nuovo programma di filosofia di Rai Cultura dedicato ai grandi e piccoli temi d'attualità. Ogni puntata vede sfidarsi su tesi contrapposte i protagonisti della cultura italiana, che si affrontano sulle tematiche più controverse della nostra quotidianità. Condotto da Maurizio Ferraris, "Lo stato dell'arte" va in onda ogni martedì, mercoledì e giovedì su Rai 5 alle 23.15. Le puntate più recenti: I centri commerciali sono le vere basiliche di oggi? | Franco La Cecla | Silvano Petrosino | 03/05/2016 | Ricerca universitaria: quale valutazione? | Mario De Caro | Luca Illetterati | 04/05/2016 | I cuochi prepotenti: una questione di genere? | Vera Tripodi | Franco La Cecla | 05/05/2016 | News on New Realism Publications Interview: Maurizio Ferraris, M Ferraris, M Carta - Philosophy Now, 2016 Introduction to Introduction to New Realism, F Neylan - Philosophy Now, 2016 Whitehead e il Nuovo Realismo: Per una fi-losofia del concreto, tra senso comune e scienze, MR Brioschi Sobre Papel máquina 10, 2016, Texto para la presentación del número de la revista, A. Moreiras Conferences Maurizio Ferraris on "Emergence – Ontology, Epistemology, Politics" Tengelyi László Emlékelőadás A Filozófiai Kollégium – Budapest minden év tavaszán egy rangos előadó meghívásával kíván tisztelegni Tengelyi László filozófiai munkássága előtt. A sorozat nyitóelőadását 2016. május 3-án Maurizio Ferraris, a Torinói Egyetem filozófia professzora tartja Emergence – Ontology, Epistemology, Politics címmel. Webpage Calls Conferences NEW -CALL FOR PAPERS- PHYSIS KAI POLIS – XII INTERNATIONAL ONTOLOGY CONGRESS Under the patronage of san Sebastian European Capital of culture 2016 Under the Honorary Presidency of: Pedro Miguel Echenique (Max Plack Prize of Physics) San Sebastian 3-7 October The organizing committee calls for contributed papers and contributed symposia. Abstracts should be submitted by using the registration form in the congress website ( Important dates: 30 May, 2016 – Deadline for early abstract submissions 15 June, 2016 – Notifications of acceptance of early abstract submissions 31 June, 2016 – Deadline for late abstract submissions 15 July, 2016 – Notifications of acceptance of late abstract submissions 22 July, 2016 – Deadline for registration fees 30 July, 2016 – Preliminary programme announced International Scientific Committee: International Scientific Committee: A. Aspect (Paris); P. Aubenque (Paris) F.J. Ayala (California); J. Bouveresse (Paris); †E. Chillida (San Sebastián); A. Grünbaum (Pittsburgh); †W. Lamb (Arizona); T. Marco (Madrid); U. Moulines (München); †I.Prigogine (Bruxelles); H. Putnam (Harvard); C. Rovelli (Marseille). The International Ontology Congress is organized every two years by the Philosophy Departments of the University of Basque Country and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Paideia Foundation and the Museum Chillida-Leku. The International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP), the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and Iberian Greek Philosophy Society (SIFG) support this XII Edition. Some Confirmed Speakers: // Alberto Cordero (City University of New York), Carl Hoefer – Albert Solé (University of Barcelona), Christopher Fuchs (University of Massachusetts Boston), David Albert (Columbia University of New York), David Wallace (University of Oxford),, Harvey Brown (University of Oxford), Javier Tejada (University of Barcelona), Miguel Ferrero, (University of Oviedo), Pedro Miguel Echenique (DIPC, San Sebastian), // Alberto Bernabé (Complutense University of Madrid), António Pedro Mesquita (Universidade de Coimbra), Carlo Natali (Università ca' Foscari Venezia), Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzu, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)., Frances Casadesus (UIB, Palma), Francis Wolff (ENS, Paris), Gabriele Cornelli (University of Brasilia), Luis Bredlöw (University of Barcelona), Tomás Calvo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) // Giovanni Boniolo (Technische Universität München), Jordi Agustí (ICREA, Barcelona – Dmanisi, Georgia), Lambros Couloubaritsis (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Ulises Moulines (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) // Andrés Moya. (University of Valencia), Andrés Rivadulla (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Anna Estany (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Francisco J. Ayala, (University of California, Irvine), Javier Echeverria (Ikerbasque San Sebastian) // Alexander Chumakov (Russian Philosophical Society Moscow), Angel Gabilondo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Dermot Moran (University College Dublin), Fernando Savater (San Sebastián), Ioanna Kuçuradi (UNESCO Chair of Philosophy of Human Rights), Jorge Luis Rodriguez Gutiérrez (Sao Paulo), Luca Scarantino (IULM, Milano), Maurizio Ferraris (Torino), Supakwadee Amatayakul (Chulalongkorn University), Tomás Marco (Madrid), Victoria Camps (Autonomous University of Barcelona). // Third International Research Conference Mechanisms for Formation of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones Sociological institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Borderland Areas Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Philosophy Department of Russian Philosophy and Culture Labont (University of Turin) Saint-Petersburg State Museum-Institute of the Roerichs Timing: 20–22 th of October, 2016. Location: Saint.Petersburg State University. Call for papers deadline: 10 th of June, 2016. Download Infoletter (English) Download Infoletter (Russian) The Conference conducted with financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project № 14-18-00192). More information at the website CFP Truth: Deflationism and Beyond Alghero (Italy) 23-24 September 2016, University of Sassari Important Dates * Deadline for abstracts submission: July 3rd, 2016. * Notification of acceptance of proposals: July 31st, 2016 * Convention: 23-24 September, 2016 Invited Speakers: Marian David, Pascal Engel, Paul Horwich, Paolo Leonardi, David Liggins, Jeremy Wyatt. Description: The last thirty years have witnessed a veritable explosion of the philosophical debate on truth. The touchpaper which lit the fuse for this was undoubtedly the Deflationist Renaissance (half a century after the seminal work of Ramsey) that took place starting from the Seventies. By arguing on the merits and shortcomings of deflationism, philosophers have come to broaden and deepen the discussion on truth even beyond the boundaries of deflationism itself. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers working on truth, both advocates and critics of deflationary conceptions, in order to take stock of deflationism about truth and of its implications in fields such as metaphysics, logics, epistemology, meta-ethics. We invite therefore submissions of abstracts aiming at evaluating in some respect deflationary conceptions of truth. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Deflationism and the general facts about truth.
- Deflationism and the correspondence intuition.
- Deflationism and so-called factual-defective discourse.
- Deflationism and the normativity of truth.
- Deflationism and paradoxes.
- Deflationism and alethic-pluralism.
- Deflationism and alethic-relativism.
- The "unsubstantiality" of truth.
Call For Papers 7 slots are open for submitted papers. Submissions should include a title and an abstract of about 1000 words. They must be received by July 3rd, 2016. Abstract should be submitted as blind PDF documents, and emailed to the following address: Please include your name, affiliation, and contact information in the body of the e-mail. Notification of decisions is expected by July 3 rd, 2016. Selected papers may be considered for publication in a volume of conference proceedings. Conference Organizers Fabio Bacchini (University of Sassari), Stefano Caputo (University of Sassari), Massimo Dell'Utri (University of Sassari), Marco Marongiu (University of Sassari), For general inquiries please contact Marco Marongiu: Research projects involved The conference is organized in partnership with the Italian 2012 PRIN Project "Models and Inferences in Science", Sassari Research Unit Project on "Grounding: fundamental properties, casual efficacy and truth-making models". Istanbul Seminars: Religion, Rights and the Public Sphere The next edition of Istanbul Seminars will be held on May 24-28, 2016 at the Santral Campus | Istanbul Bilgi University Conference Room: E1-301 NO GRANT REQUEST: PLEASE APPLY HERE (Deadline May 10th, 2016) Confirmed Speakers: Mustafa Akyol, Zygmunt Bauman, Rajeev Bhargava, Seyla Benhabib, Manuel Castells, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Mohd Eiadat, Alessandro Ferrara, Silvio Ferrari, Nilufer Gole, Peter Gordon, Amr Hamzawy, Elisabeth Shakman Hurd, Aleksandra Kania, Cristina Lafont, Ebrahim Moosa, Fabio Petito, David Rasmussen, Olivier Roy, Saskia Sassen, Richard Sennett, Ananya Vajpeyi, Michael Walzer (in video), Patrick Weil, Boyan Znepolski. Info: XII Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA) 5-7 September 2016, University of Florence, Campus Pistoia The Conference is open to all topics and themes in the analytic tradition, and will host three special topic symposia. Deadline: June 1st Notification of acceptance is expected by July 1st The EasyChair login page for SIFA2016 is at: Download description and further info Jobs Appel à candidatures pour une résidence de recherche à Paris - Villa Vassilieff & Collège d'études mondiales Deadline: 31 Mai Info 2 PosDocs at the Centre for Philosophy of Time, Milan The first of two calls for PosDocs at the Center for Philosophy of Time in Milan is out! The call is out till 10 May 2016. Please send all documents to and Interviews (via Skype) for those shortlisted will be 16 May, starting from 14:00. The position will start on 1 June (and not 1 May, as originally planned). Duration of the grant is 14 months. Neat salary slightly over 1.850 € per month. The second call will be out in the next weeks, and the position will start in September or October. If you are interested in any of the two positions, please apply to both (even if you cannot start on 1 June), so that we can better plan the hiring. Specify at the beginning of your research project whether you can start on 1 June and what would be your preferred starting date(s). You can find the complete text of the call at, and further details about the job at Journals RIVISTA DI ESTETICA Website (1/2017) "Discrimination in Philosophy" Advisory Editor: Vera Tripodi mail to: and Deadline for submission: May 30th, 2016 (3/2017) "The Auditory Object" Advisory Editors: Elvira Di Bona, Vincenzo Santarcangelo mail to:, and Deadline for submission: December 30th, 2016 (1/2018) "Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones" Advisory Editors: Alexander Chertenko (Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Borderland Areas, Russia), Janna Nikolaeva (Saint-Petersburg State University), Sergey Troitćkii (Saint-Petersburg State University). Mail to:,, Deadline for submission: January 30th, 2017 (2/2018) "Trusting institutions" Advisory Editor: Jacopo Domenicucci (Ecole Normale Supérieure) Mail to: ; Deadline for submission: April 30th, 2017 (3/2018) "Empirical Evidence and Philosophy" Advisory Editors: Petar Bojanic (University of Beograd), Samuele Iaquinto (University of Milano), Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milano) Mail to: and Deadline for submission: September 30th, 2017 Summer School Summer School EHESS: The Unity of the Social Sciences? Paris, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales June 20-July 1, 2016 Info Partner Institutions The Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities "Law as Culture" Website Lecture by Professor Dr. Petar Bojanic entitled La catégorie de «discipline» et la «discipline institutionnelle» on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at 6 p.m. in the Center's Max Weber lecture room. The lecture will be held in English. Further information can be found on the event page. FMSH, Fondation Maison de Sciences de l'Homme | | |
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